REBUILDING PEACE is a limited, bilingual documentary podcast series created by the Washington Office on Latin America for the CON LÍDERES HAY PAZ Campaign.

This series follows the stories of social leaders in Colombia who, every day, under threat to their lives, search for truth and work toward reconciliation, fight for justice for victims of the Colombian conflict, and ensure the government lives up to the guarantees it made to ethnic and rural communities in the historic 2016 peace accord. Social leaders often face off with a Colombian government that refuses to admit its failures, and they stand up to armed groups terrorizing their communities.

Hundreds of them have been killed, yet they persist. In this series you will hear why, directly from them.


Written and created by the Washington Office on Latin America.
Produced by Lantigua Williams & Co.
Edited by Virginia Lora, with help from Jen Chien.
Mixed by Michael Aquino and Kojin Tashiro.
Production help by Michael Aquino and Carolina Rodriguez.

Hosts for the podcast were Darryl Chappell for the English episodes and Divalizeth Murillo for the Spanish episodes.

English voiceover provided by Ron Garner (Leyner), Alanna R. (Danelly), Oni Ojukwu Mantenso (Erlendy), and Alejandro Comacho (Darío).


Leyner Palacios Asprilla, Danelly Estupiñán, Erlendy Cuero Bravo, and Darío Mejía for their generosity in sharing their stories and their courage.